Thursday 28 January 2010

Has the Media Killed Youth Culture?

Where have all the young guns gone?  It strikes me that there's been no real significant youth culture for about 15 years now.  So what has happened to Britains once glorified youth?  Is that the media have simply diluted the need for rebellion?  British youth are now pampered with their i-pods, i-phones, games consoles, facebooks.  Music and fashion are bland, safe cosy hybrids.  No wonder there's nothing for young people to identify with, or rebel against.  And even if they did, the media would pounce on them and market them as the next great fad, in a stifling blaze of nullifying marketeering!  C'mon you youngsters.  Its not as cosy as you think it is.  Scratch away at the surface and there's plenty for you to get bothered about.  As Jonny Rotten called to the forgotten generation of decrepit Britain in 1975 - "Get off your arse!"


Zeros and ones said...

I think to be honest the main reason why British youth culture is dying is because there is nothing new, there is no new amazing types of music, nothing that will go down in history. No problems that our age group cares about enough to actually "get off your arse", nowadays if we want to make a point we make a facebook group, no one really physically stands up for what they believe anymore. Even music and fashion wise we are just looking back to the past to re-invent old looks and sounds and pass them off as new. We need someone truly influential to come and make us get off our arses and actually make a point to change things.

Jenna Lawrence

Media Staff said...

Well dne Jenna. The first to respond. You get the prize. You makr a very interesting point too. Thanks.